Website: Facebook Twitter: What would happen if Angry Birds featured pandas and ninjas instead of birds and pigs? Well, that’s exactly what Pandas vs Ninjas tries to accomplish. It’s an obvious attempt to recreate the popular title, and although it’s not as good, it’s still quite fun. Perhaps, a worthy game to turn to once you’ve finished beating Angry Birds 2 or 3 times, which I’m sure many of you have already done. Follow us on Twitter:
Yay 4 angry birdz
Looks a good game… times like this make me sorry I have a BlackBerry. Decent stuff on iPhone and HTC but BB is yet again left behind. BB is limited to the great game of “sudoku”, or the even better “check your mail quick or that flashing red light will annoy you some more”.
I’m concerned about this game. Pandas are on the endangered species list and this game just advocates hurling them at panes of glass and brick walls. Developers: You should be ashamed of yourselves!
As for ninjas… I don’t much care for them.
Games from the 80’s and 90’s had his concept. ie. Artillery Duel on Commodore 64, Scorched Tanks on AMIGA and Scorched Earth on MS-DOS PC.
lol i get it haha