a strange thing about the cover art is that the guy rick is fighting has abs for a chest. it looks odd
August 2, 2012 at 5:09 AM -
Splatterhouse-the game that started videogame violence.
August 2, 2012 at 5:46 AM -
Comment wise this is your best review yet. You balanced content & humor perfectly. Now on to more darker things : The end of stage 5. You get to the room & you see a group of monsters molesting Jessica. They leave & she stands up only to yell “help rick!”. She then turns into a monster attacking you, forcing you to deal with her. Of course she reverts back to human a few times, you have to be reminded it’s her. Then you finally kill her & she gets back to human b4 dying in your arms! Ahh Namco..
a strange thing about the cover art is that the guy rick is fighting has abs for a chest. it looks odd
Splatterhouse-the game that started videogame violence.
Comment wise this is your best review yet. You balanced content & humor perfectly. Now on to more darker things : The end of stage 5. You get to the room & you see a group of monsters molesting Jessica. They leave & she stands up only to yell “help rick!”. She then turns into a monster attacking you, forcing you to deal with her. Of course she reverts back to human a few times, you have to be reminded it’s her. Then you finally kill her & she gets back to human b4 dying in your arms! Ahh Namco..
Ha ha!! Thanks!
“Take that society!”
Best. Line. Ever!