thank you I appreciate that. There are some really good ones out there and professionally done and way better than mine but there are some that aren’t so hot. As far as my Spanish goes I never passed my Spanish class in high school we had to read Spanish lyrics to pop songs
May 24, 2012 at 8:33 PM -
oh, yeah and as a Spanish speaker there is nothing wrong with the way you are choosing to pronounce resurrection. Bleach Rocks!
May 24, 2012 at 9:26 PM -
great review, thought i’d never say that after listening to the crappy reviews i hear on you tube, but you could actually make a living at it. thanks
May 24, 2012 at 9:53 PM -
Please, just say “resurrection” normally XD
May 24, 2012 at 10:08 PM -
wow, this game looks awesome!!! Bleach is pure WIN!!!
thank you I appreciate that. There are some really good ones out there and professionally done and way better than mine but there are some that aren’t so hot. As far as my Spanish goes I never passed my Spanish class in high school we had to read Spanish lyrics to pop songs
oh, yeah and as a Spanish speaker there is nothing wrong with the way you are choosing to pronounce resurrection. Bleach Rocks!
great review, thought i’d never say that after listening to the crappy reviews i hear on you tube, but you could actually make a living at it. thanks
Please, just say “resurrection” normally XD
wow, this game looks awesome!!! Bleach is pure WIN!!!