Top 10 Expected Pc Games 2012 Part 2/2 Link to part 1: If theres a game that you thought deserved a spot on this list then comment the name of it and the release date. If you feel that a game should be placed in the list, comment the name of the game and the date of its release. ———————————————LIST——————————————- 4:Bioshock Infinite 3:Mass Effect 3 2:Half Life 2 Episode 3 1: Diablo 3
if you watched part one then i would have had ARMA 2 on it. Dont worry im waiting for it to come out also
Cool story brah
ok ok ok let me get this straight those games are good are you fucking kidding me guild wars wtf? half life??????? holy shit that is some fucking retarted bullllshit what about arma 2 dayZ that game shud be #1 u people are honestly fucking retarded thats why this world is turning to shit
Wery good question.
Diablo 3 @ No.1 made this a giant waste of time