Seems your spelling is incorrect mate, and also, this video was made 4 months ago dipshit, you don’t think some of the dates might have changed in that time? Take your little brain somewhere else please
April 7, 2012 at 8:05 PM -
i know i red when it whas made still your info is shit the timepreiods are incorect!
April 7, 2012 at 8:23 PM -
you do know dota 2 is out and where are prey 2 GTA5 Dragon age 3 you dipshit
April 7, 2012 at 9:01 PM -
If you look through the other comments and the description you will understand why GTA 5 is not in the video. And who are you calling a dumbass? When you can’t even spell it right? Happy living
Seems your spelling is incorrect mate, and also, this video was made 4 months ago dipshit, you don’t think some of the dates might have changed in that time? Take your little brain somewhere else please
i know i red when it whas made still your info is shit the timepreiods are incorect!
you do know dota 2 is out and where are prey 2 GTA5 Dragon age 3 you dipshit
If you look through the other comments and the description you will understand why GTA 5 is not in the video. And who are you calling a dumbass? When you can’t even spell it right? Happy living
Gta 5 dumass