Star wars : the old republic is a mmorpg u dumbass
March 14, 2012 at 9:37 PM -
@419chris419 Sorry didn’t understand .
March 14, 2012 at 9:52 PM -
@DennisDzeko Damn are you stupid? Are you twelve? Any person could tell that I was just correcting your statment.
If not so, then it’s your damn opinion, and we don’t need that.
There IS no game out there that dominates all, not even if you’re talking about this year.
March 14, 2012 at 9:57 PM -
@419chris419 Damn are u stupid or what i said The best game that came out for now is MASS EFFECT 2 And im sure that ME3 gonna be even better
Star wars : the old republic is a mmorpg u dumbass
@419chris419 Sorry didn’t understand .
@DennisDzeko Damn are you stupid? Are you twelve? Any person could tell that I was just correcting your statment.
If not so, then it’s your damn opinion, and we don’t need that.
There IS no game out there that dominates all, not even if you’re talking about this year.
@419chris419 Damn are u stupid or what i said The best game that came out for now is MASS EFFECT 2
And im sure that ME3 gonna be even better