What Games Are You Playing? If you’re still playing CoD exclusively then go ahead and tell my why you keep playing it! If you have a few new games that you’re enjoying, be sure to drop a comment and tell me what they are! Don’t forget to let me know if you’re a bit tired of MW3 Tips and such, its that time of the year where people are usually bored of CoD, so please let me know! It can help you have a better experience on my channel =) Also, giving me your like if you enjoyed means a lot and directly supports my channel as well as its possible growth, so if you want to endorse that, go ahead! And if you’re new to my channel why don’t you look around? If you like what you see then be sure to subscribe for more content in the future! Follow me on Twitter! twitter.com ———————————————————————————— Counter Strike : Global Offensive Gameplay/Commentary CS:GO Demolition Gameplay CS:GO Office Counter-Strike Global Offensive Weapons CS GO Counter Terrorists CS GO Terrorists CS GO Gamemodes Metro 2033 Trouble In Terrorist Town Audiosurf Half Life 2 Half Life 2 Mods Garry’s Mod TTT TITT Steam COD MW3 Counter Strike: Source
you deserve more clicks
Cod is boring and bf3 i think csgo might be for me
bf3 csgo happy wheels
You missed out on a nice double kill at around 2:50 because you didnt look at your minimap, minimap is VERY important.
haha i just replied with my other channel