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Later the show lost the comedic reviews and inserted unwanted skits/went to 3 days a week and Adam has left because who ever baught out G4/Tech-TV has no idea how to run a network. G4 was a channel for gamers and used video game characters in their adds with a partnership from game companys to gain advertising revenue. Also there were original shows that had ratings. Those shows were replaced with crap like people throwing up,cops and guys breaking stuff. Should have kept it 100% gaming related.
wheres aquaman?
can adam sessler be any more funnier? let me consult
my magic 8-ball.
*outlook not so good*
damn you 8-ball!! im trying to make a come-back
Always love the references back to Drake of the 99 Dragons
Oh sure these clowns are brutally honest, and John C. Calhoun single-handedly won us the war against the Russian Empire by driving the RMS ATLANTIC into an iceberg.